
Get Involved

At First Methodist Midland, we strive to embody the love and care Christ showed to people from every walk of life. Inspired by His example, we aim to be the compassionate, welcoming arms of Christ in our community. Whether you’re in need of support or feel called to help others, we offer many ways to get involved:

No matter your needs or passions, there’s a place for you here to make an impact.

Hospitality Teams


As Gatekeepers, we are here to protect our chruch and all who enter it on Sunday mornings and for other special evetns at the church. We help provide a safe environment not only from a security standpoint but through out training and knowledges in first aid and special responses as well. We are always aware of our surroundings and take what we do very seriously. We put a lot of time into trainings, certifcations, and meeting once a month to make sure we keep a tight bond as a group. It is important for us to maintain our trainings and communcation so we can continue to serve our church and make it a safe and comfortable environment for everyone who enters our doors not just on Sundays but for all events.

TEAM LEADER: Brent Shuler

Usher Team

Ushers are vital part of each worship service, providing a means of information to both those attending services as well as the pastors and staff. Ushers are one of the most visible ministries in the church. Ushers provide assistance in worship through collecting the offering, guiding the congregation during communion, and answering questions about the church.

Traditional Service – Gary McMillan EMAIL HIM
Modern Service – BJ Hoover EMAIL HIM

First Impressions

Our First Impressions Team members purposefully seek to interact and engage as many guests and church memebrs as possible each Sunday morning. Their goal is to convey that each person is valued by us because they are first valued by God. First Impressions Team members do this throufgh person-to-person engagement as they walk someone across the street, direct traffic for safe street crossing, greet and open doors for entry and guide guests to our various services and classes. This goal is accomplished with teams of members that minister to the specific needs of guests and members every Sunday morning. Each team is scheduled on a rotation that requires thier service once every 5 to 6 weeks.

TEAM LEADER: Linda Braden

Media / Lights / Tech

The Tech Teams assist the church by running media programs in each of the worship services on Sundays so that people can see and hear the message through videos, pastors, band(s), music and prayers. Through screens, lights and sound, Tech Teams help set the spiritual tone for worship services. Training is provided.

Traditional Service – Anna Jones EMAIL HER
Modern Service – Paul Taggart EMAIL HIM

Communion Team

The focus of communion, or the Lord’s Supper, is the central part of a church service done in response to the Lord’s command: “Do this in remembrance of me.” (Luke 22:19) It is the sign of Christ’s presence among His people and of their unity in Him, and points to the salvation and healing provided by the shed blood and broken body of Christ. First Methodist Midland observes communion on the first Sundau of each month as well as other special worship services. The Communion Team sets up the communion elements before each communion worship service and cleans up after the 11:00 a.m. service. There is a rotation of team members which entails serving 6 to 8 times per year.

TEAM LEADER: Nancy Birkelbach

Altar Flower Deliveries

One of the ways we minister to those who have been ill, hospitalized or who are no longer able to attend service in person is to rmeind them that they are loved and missed. Each week, the altar flowers from the Traditional Service are divided into smaller vases and delivered to 3 to 4 people from a list provided by the pastors. This is also a way to connect with out freinds and check in on them, sharing the love of God. There is a rotation of team members which entials serving 6 to 8 times per year.

Traditional Service – Patti Alexander EMAIL HER

Mission & Outreach

Reaching people for Christ is our mission at First Methodist Midland. 
From local missions to ministry in outposts around the globe, First Methodist Midland believes in doing missions. We offer opportunities that are as varied as the skills that God has given you. And we will offer you blessing as you do your ministry.

Stephen Ministry

Providing One-on-One Care for the Hurting

Stephen Ministry was named in honor of Stephen, who was one of the first lay church members called to help those in need. According to Acts 6-8, the Apostles commissioned seven people, one of whom was Stephen, to provide caring ministry for the church when needs for care arose beyond which the Apostles were able to meet on their own. In a sense, Stephen was one of the first Stephen Ministers, a layperson commissioned by church leaders to provide a caring ministry.


What’s a Stephen Minister?

A Stephen Minister provides one-on-one, lay Christian care. Stephen Ministers are Christians who provide care in the name of Christ. They are open and willing to talk about spiritual issues but are sensitive to avoid imposing these issues on others. Stephen Ministers care by listening, supporting, encouraging, praying, being honest, dependable, and trustworthy, and by maintaining confidentiality in their care giving relationships.

How do I know if a Stephen Minister is right for me?
  • Have you experienced a personal crisis recently?
  • Loss of a loved one?
  • Loss of a job?
  • Caring for someone who is ill?

If you are hurting and in need of a confidential Christian caring relationship, then you could certainly benefit and find healing through a Stephen Minister. Contact Rev. Melissa Shuler.

How can I become a Stephen Minister?

By going through an interview process and attending 50 hours of training. A commitment of two years is required. If you have a caring heart and would like to serve others, then becoming a Stephen Minister may be for you. For more information about becoming a Stephen Minister or having the help of a Stephen Minister, contact Rev. Melissa Shuler.

Does First Methodist Midland have a 12 step program?

We also offer a Christian-based, 12-step program for those dealing with alcoholism, divorce, sexual abuse, drug addiction, food addictions, anger, domestic violence or co-dependency and their families. For information about our Celebrate Recovery Ministry, click here.

Prayer Request

Are you or someone you know in need of prayer? Please fill out the form below and our prayer teams will include you in their prayers.
If you wish for your information to be kept private, please indicate that on the Prayer Request form.