If you would like to be included in the church directory, please email Kara Harris, Director of Events. She needs your email address to add you to the directory and then you can add the rest of your information that would like to be included and upload a picture.


To access the church directory online: Go to http://www.instantchurchdirectory.com. Click on “Church Member Sign In” at the top of the screen. It will direct you to “Create a login.” Here you will enter your email address that you submitted on the church directory information form and it will prompt you to create your own password.

To access the church directory on a mobile device: You can access the church directory on your iPhone, iPad, iPad mini, Android device, or Kindle Fire. Download the app “Instant Church Directory.”

Once downloaded, it will prompt you to “Create Login.”

For any questions, contact Kara Harris or call/text 432.559.5035.