Have You Noticed the Activity?

Have You Noticed the Activity?

“Have you noticed the activity around the Chapel? The salvaging of parts for reuse . . . and disposing of the remaining portion of the building are proceeding at a rapid pace.” Well, you probably haven’t–not quite yet. The latest construction project here at First...
Pioneer Christmases

Pioneer Christmases

From the beginning of Midland’s history, Christmas traditions have been part of the community. Those traditions included First Methodist and its members. Several early residents included memories of Christmas in their accounts in The Pioneer History of Midland County,...
50,000 Pancakes

50,000 Pancakes

I recently asked long-time choir member and organizer of numerous Pancake Supper events Jim McCarley to give me an estimate as to approximately how many pancakes are served at the annual event sponsored by the Chancel Choir on Shrove Tuesday before Ash Wednesday. He...

Capital Comments

In 1957, the Capital Campaign Team at First Methodist prepared a brochure to help members understand the need for and importance of a new construction project. The Midland economy was booming; the community was growing; times were changing. The leaders of the church,...

“Weeds, Boards, and Dust”

On Sunday, January 19, 2014 Senior Pastor Tim Walker’s sermon was on growing spiritually. He focused on three areas—growing faith, growing love, and growing the church. Isaiah 54:2 served as the scripture reference for the focus on growing the church. The scripture...