Dr Oswalt Weekend

Jesus, Servant of the Lord

A weekend exploring how Isaiah points to the Cross

On Saturday and Sunday, March 29-30, we are going to be hosting Dr. John Oswalt from Asbury Theological Seminary. Back when Kurt, Ken and I were in Seminary, Dr. Oswalt was our Old Testament teacher. His classes were challenging on many levels, deeply moving and profound. He has the brilliant mind of a scholar AND the heart of a pastor who longs to see people transformed by the holy love of God. Dr. Oswalt is the leading scholar on the book of Isaiah. The book of Isaiah is the second most quoted book in the New Testament after the Psalms. Isaiah prepares us to understand the coming of the Messiah through the lens of the Servant Songs of Isaiah. Dr. Oswalt will bring four powerful messages that will transform our understanding of Isaiah, Jesus, and our calling to His servants. Please mark this on your calendar and make every effort to be present for this transformative, awe-inspiring weekend experience. Do a YouTube search for John Oswalt or click here to get a small taste of what we will experience when he comes. Childcare is available for all events.

March 29th – March 30th


9:00 am Breakfast (Atrium)
9:30 am Session 1 (Worship Center)
10:45 am Session 2 (Worship Center)

Sunday Services

9:00 am Traditional Service (Sanctuary)
10:00 am Teaching Sunday School (Worship Center)
11:00 am Combined Service (Sanctuary)